Montier Photo Festival


Montier Photo Festival

Jean-Charles GAUTIER


  Amateur photographer, I live near the Loire. The great wild river is for me an inexhaustible source of inspiration. In 2012, I created a nature photo blog, «L'explorateur de Loire», on which I first started to share my animal encounters. Over the years, I discovered both the diversity of the Loire natural heritage and the different possible photographic approaches: wildlife photography, macro and proxy-photography, landscape photography, infrared, etc. Gradually, I think I have evolved towards a more sensitive approach to wildlife and nature, and I now define myself as a “quester of atmospheres”. I am looking for the beautiful image, using photographic spots carefully spotted upstream: riverbanks and islands of the river, observation points in height, moors and meadows, etc. Light and weather are also essential. In fact, photos are taken frequently in mist in the early hours of the day. Over the seasons, I also take into consideration the rhythm of the river. Thus, floods and low-water periods are privileged moments to capture the specific atmospheres of the Loire. I hope to bear witness to the beauty and fragility of the river.



I invite you to discover my «Vallis incognita», a valley still unknown and secret. The exhibition is presented as a photographic tale about the Loire. It is structured as a narrative and organized in several parts (consisting of two or three images), which seek by emotion or questioning to tell the great environmental challenge that the Loire is going through. At each «polyptych», a different approach by subject or technique, as many new «gardens of delights» to awaken consciences.


Vallis incognita

Vallis incognita

  Author : Jean-Charles Gautier
  Publisher : autoédition
L' explorateur de Loire

L' explorateur de Loire

  Author : Jean-Charles Gautier
  Publisher : autoédition
Nat'images N°58

Nat'images N°58

  Author : Jean-Charles Gautier, article "Le fleuve miroir"
  Publisher : Editions Jibena