Montier Photo Festival


Montier Photo Festival




  Françoise Serre-Collet is a herpetologist (specialist in reptiles and amphibians), in charge of scientific mediation within the Natural Heritage of the National Museum of Natural History in Paris. Its goal is to make reptiles and amphibians known to the public. To do this, she is using all the existing teaching materials: conferences, books, photographic exhibitions, naturalistic animations, coaching and intervention during internships, etc. She works on radio, notably on France-Inter, or on television shows such as E=M6 or Ushuaia Nature, of which she was the guest in Costa Rica. Photography is for her a way to illustrate all the richness and beauty of these animals with scales and bare skin. Its objectives are the protection of species and habitats and the dissemination of knowledge, by twisting the necks of legends and other beliefs related to these often unloved or beloved animals. Very active, she participates in many festivals and offers you an exhibition about the french turtles.



This exhibition particularly targets the turtles of metropolitan France, namely 3 species mainly, the Hermann’s Tortoise, the european pond turtle and the panish pond turtle. The exhibition is divided into 3 parts, the first one is intended to make known the life of these species, mating, hatching, feeding etc. The second one concerns introduced species such as Pond sliders, the common snapping turtles and alligator snapping turtles found in nature, and finally, the last part is devoted to the means used by the Museum to save the european pond turtle. The photos are taken on Dibond and each image is linked with an explanatory cartel.


40 idées fausses sur les tortues 2022

40 idées fausses sur les tortues 2022

  Author : Françoise Serre Collet
  Publisher : QAUE
50 idées fausses sur les amphibiens 2021

50 idées fausses sur les amphibiens 2021

  Author : Françoise Serre Collet
  Publisher : QUAE
Dans la peau des serpents de France 2020

Dans la peau des serpents de France 2020

  Author : Françoise Serre Collet
  Publisher : QUAE
Dans la carapace des tortues de France 2020

Dans la carapace des tortues de France 2020

  Author : Françoise Serre Collet
  Publisher : QUAE
Légendes de serpents 2019

Légendes de serpents 2019

  Author : Françoise Serre Collet
  Publisher : Delachaux et Niestlé
50 idées fausses sur les serpents 2019

50 idées fausses sur les serpents 2019

  Author : Françoise Serre Collet
  Publisher : QUAE
Salamandres, tritons et cie 2019

Salamandres, tritons et cie 2019

  Author : Françoise Serre Collet
  Publisher : QUAE
Dans la peau des lézards de France

Dans la peau des lézards de France

  Author : Françoise Serre Collet
  Publisher : QUAE