Fédération Connaître et Protéger la Nature
Partenaires jeunesse
Popular Education Association accredited by the Ministry of National Education, La Fédération Connaître et Protéger la Nature (FCPN) federates a movement of more than 15,000 passionate members of nature, of all ages, from all walks of life, spread across France, Europe and Africa. They meet all year long in a club, with family, to better Know and Protect Nature together. The FCPN is also a reference in the field of nature education, thanks to its many educational productions combining scientific rigour and humour: technical notebooks, nature activity sheets, educational games, etc. Finally, it regularly conducts nature education campaigns for the general public.
- Les CPN en action – F.HUSSON-POISSON
- Les petits CPN en exploration – F.HUSSON-POISSON
Kiquimank ? « Fruits charnus de la haie »
Publisher : FCPN
Les Mal-aimés, j'adore ! Le livre
Publisher : FCPN
Martre, Putois, Belette... On n'est pas des blaireaux !
Publisher : FCPN
L'approche sensible en éducation à la nature
Publisher : FCPN