The jury of the Montier 2024 Photo Competition met on July 4, 5 and 6 in Montier-en-Der!
Roch LORENTE, president of the 2024 jury, accompanied by 4 photographers: Cathy BERNOT, Maxime ALIAGA, Teddy BRACARD, and Guillaume BILY exchanged in seriousness and good humor, accompanied by the technical committee!
The Montier Photo Competition in figures:
- Open from March 1 to April 30
- 2 competitions in 1: under 16s and over 16s
- 10 categories: birds, mammals, landscapes, plants, graphics, etc.
- 16,500 photos
- 86 videos
- 2,065 photographers
- 73 nationalities
Thank you to the technical committee for its availability and follow-up! Thank you to all the members of the jury for their insight!
The complete results, with the awarding of prizes, favorites and still images, will be revealed during the 27th Montier Photo Festival from November 21 to 24, with the exhibition visible in preview at the Montier “Abbey Church”Abbatiale” (site #4) during the 4 days.
⬇️ The 2024 selection ⤵️ Good discovery!

Eurasian kingfisher (Alcedo atthis) to backlight an early morning of autumn. This kingfisher liked to perch on this rock in a river to hunt tadpoles since there were few fish due to the drought. The bird sometimes flew up, stopped in the air and plummeted to gain strength and penetrate the water. Grazalema, Cádiz. Southern Spain.
Backlight | Oiseaux sauvages de pleine nature

Last autumn I had the chance to visit the Falkland Islands. This remote archipelago is famous for a big variety of Flora and Fauna and I was especially looking forward to see the four most common Penguin species breeding on the Falklands. During the last days of my two weeks stay I found an area along the beach where Gentoo Penguins used to surf in the waves when coming back from their hunting dives. After some attempts I got this image I was hoping for which I’ve titled “Surfing on the other side”. Penguins are omnipresent in our society but it’s easy to forget the dangers they already have to and will have to face in future. Overfishing an climate change is having a huge impact on their environment and their life.
Surfing on the other side | Oiseaux sauvages de pleine nature

Avocette élégante- golfe du Morbihan- France
réalisée très tôt le matin quelques instants avant le lever du soleil sur une saline. Sur pied acec un 500mm et convertisseur 1.4 et surtout un diaphrame de 18.
Passage piétons Breton

The image of this rare behaviour of birds attcking monitor lizard was taken at keoladev national park, Rajasthan, INDIA.
Parakeets bitting monitor lizard

Depuis mars, je suis ce couple d epics noirs. Au coeur d’un vieux hêtre, un nid a été creusé. Durant le mppis d emai, j’ai mutliplié lkes sorties afin d’immortaliser le nourrissage des jeunes. Grâce à la tente affût, j’ai pu tenter différents cadrages afin de trouver celui qui me plaisait le plus. En étant à bonne distance, j’ai pu intégrer l’envirronnement lumineux qui me plaisait tant.
Pic dans son uni-vert | Oiseaux sauvages de pleine nature

cincle plongeur (cinclus cinclus) qui prend la pose devant une cascade dans le massif du jura au printemps. Photo réalisé en affut, sur trepied en pose longue.
La cascade du cingle | Oiseaux sauvages de pleine nature

Cette chouette de tengmalm regarde hors de sa loge à la nuit tombée. Je suis monté la voir exprès ce soir là car la météo annonçait des chutes de neige, ce qui prométtait une belle ambiance en forêt. De plus un orgae s’est invité en même temps. C’est la première fois de ma vie que j’étais dans une tempête de neige orageuse. Photographiée ce printemps dans le Jura vaudois en Suisse.
Giboulées d’avril

On my way to Nilgala I saw this Baya Weaver nest hanging on the tip of a tree bough. The Beaver was flying about and was about to enter its nest through the funnel like opening. This is a safety mechanism that they have taken to make sure the nestlings will not become prey -especially to snakes. On my way to Nilgala I saw this Baya Weaver nest hanging on the tip of a tree bough. The Baya Weaver was flying and was about to enter to its nest through the funnel like opening. This is a safety mechanism that they have taken to make sure the nestlings will not become prey -especially to snakes. By constructing the nest with the entrance at the bottom and the main nesting chamber above, the weaver birds create a clever deterrent against snakes. Snakes typically approach from the ground, and the design of the nest makes it difficult for them to reach the nestlings. The narrow and downward-facing entrance acts as a barrier, preventing snakes from easily climbing into the nest and preying on the young birds. It’s fascinating to learn about the intricate adaptations that animals like the Baya Weavers develop to protect their offspring from potential predators. The construction of the nest with the entrance at the bottom and the main nesting chamber above is a remarkable example of how natural selection shapes behaviors and structures in animals. This kind of behavior showcases how animals can find innovative solutions to the challenges posed by their environment. The Baya Weaver’s strategy of placing the entrance in a way that deters snakes from accessing the nest demonstrates the remarkable ways in which animals can adapt to their surroundings to increase the chances of their offspring’s survival. Observations like the one I made during my trip to Nilgala provided a valuable insight into the lives of these creatures and the amazing ways they have evolved to thrive in their habitats. It’s a reminder of the diversity of life on our planet and the complex relationships between s
Flying Fortress |

A bar tailed godwit strolls at dusk during its postnuptial migration along an estuary on the Asturian coast. Thanks to having a very luminous telephoto lens I was able to extend the day until the streetlights around us were lit so that I could capture the reflections on the water that make the godwit appear to be walking on fire.
La dame de la nuit

I was waiting in the boat in an area where a purple heron was trying to catch something from the marsh. Then suddenly it jabbed and pulled out a snake. As the heron tried to swallow the snake, it coiled around the neck of the heron. It was a long and intriguing battle between the snake a and the heron. At the end the perseverance of the heron won.
Who is in trouble | Oiseaux sauvages de pleine nature

Alors que cette harde broutait dans la neige, l’une des biches décida de se déplacer, et tout le groupe la suivit.
En ligne | Mammifères sauvages de pleine nature

Un mâle gorille (Gorilla gorilla) traverse une rivière forestière pour aller cueillir les tiges de nénuphars qui se trouvent de l’autre côté du cours d’eau. Les gorilles de l’ouest sont relativement à l’aise dans l’eau comparé à d’autres grands singes. Photo prise au cours du suivi des gorilles dans un but mêlant conservation et recherche avec WCS Congo dans les forêts du parc national Nouabale Ndoki.

Biche venant boire dans un lac noyé dans la brume
Mai 2020
Chimère | Mammifères sauvages de pleine nature

Malgré sa taille imposante, cette lionne du désert parvient à se cacher dans les quelques herbes frêles du désert du Namib. Après une longue sieste, elle lève la tête et se révèle dans le feu du coucher de soleil. Elle se prépare avec sa troupe à une nuit de chasse.
Lionne du Namib | Mammifères sauvages de pleine nature

A hedgehog on a rainy light. The lights of the car illuminate the wet street and the outlines of the headgehog.
Spike Knight

One day, in the summer of 2019, I decided to take a tour through the Danube Delta. I looked for accommodation and left Bucharest for Tulcea. I didn’t even leave home well and I identified a small problem with the car, so I didn’t want to risk anything and postponed my departure. Since I still left the house, I decided tough to take a walk in the nature, not very far from Bucharest. I was walking towards a forest, when I discovered this road that was surrounded by sunflower crops. I sat and looked at it for tens of seconds, thinking how beautiful it would be to take a shot there, with a wild animal. But since I couldn’t imagine giving up the forest, I continued my way. After about two hours of waiting in the forest, during which I photographed roe deer, I walked back to the car which was about 2 km away. I reached the road again and the surprise was huge when I saw this little fox.
The Little Prince

Lièvre variable (Lepus timidus) au gîte, en pelage blanc d’hiver dans les Alpes valaisannes, Suisse.
© Photo Olivier Born
Le solitaire | Mammifères sauvages de pleine nature

Echidné au bord d’une route en western Australia. Photographie réalisée avec le Canon 5D mark 3 et le Tamron 150-600mm
Portrait d’Echidné | Mammifères sauvages de pleine nature

Assemblage panoramique de plusieurs images (7). Mâle chèvre des montagnes, Montagnes Rocheuses Canada en octobre 2023. Sur un col à environ 3000 mètres.
L’arène des géants

Fight of beetles (Scarites cyclops) in the Doñana Natural Park, Southern Spain
Fight of beetles | Autres animaux sauvages de pleine nature

Araignée sauteuse photographiée sur une feuille de palmier dans un jardin à l’Ile de Ré, Charente Maritime, grâce à un objectif macro monté sur un Canon EOS R7 et une grande ouverture. Cette minuscule araignée sauteuse d’à peine quelques centimètres était à la recherche d’une petite proie à se mettre sous la dent lorsque je l’ai aperçue. Sa position curieuse la tête à l’envers et le beau graphisme des feuilles de palmier m’ont fait prendre la photo.
Tête à l’envers | Autres animaux sauvages de pleine nature

Curious image that shows two piulpos dancing in the body of water near the bottom, it is not known if for reproductive or territorial purposes
The Dance | Autres animaux sauvages de pleine nature

In the silence of the summer forest, on the branch of a mighty oak tree, two stag beetles met. One of them raised his paw as if in greeting, and the second beetle reciprocated. It seems that they have known each other for a long time and are glad to meet…
I used a macro lens and Focus Stacking (several frames with different focus points) to increase the depth of field in the frame to capture all the beauty and detail of the beetles.
Hi, neighbor | Autres animaux sauvages de pleine nature

Crevette imperator sur un concombe de mer Mimetisme dans les tons orange ravive par les flashs
Face à face

I found this small emperor butterfly (Saturnia pavonia) near my hometown, in the Duna-Ipoly National Park, during a spring photo shoot. The comb-like feelers caught my attention the most, so I tried to depict them in an interesting way. The setting sun came to my aid for this. I was so engrossed in photographing the groping that I only realized at home that I hadn’t taken a photo that showed the whole animal.
The last rays | Autres animaux sauvages de pleine nature

Au cours des prospections nocturnes, j’ai pu trouver ce superbe individu de Vipère des palmiers. Un juvénile d’une vingtaine de centimètres seulement. Il était camouflé dans la végétation de la forêt tropicale, sur une plante à près d’un mètre du sol. J’ai privilégié un gros plan afin de mettre en avant les couleurs incroyables de ses écailles : vert, bleu, jaune… ainsi que son oeil doré. Pour obtenir les contrastes souhaités, j’ai utilisé un flash déporté avec un diffuseur. En sentant ma présence, la vipère sortait régulièrement sa langue et j’avais l’espoir de figer cet instant.
Langue de vipère | Autres animaux sauvages de pleine nature

I captured this image of the scorpion in the sand dunes of Thar desert at jaisalmer in a late monsoon evening. The scorpion was lit up by a uv flashlight which made the scorpion glow blue as its exoskeleton emitted blue luminescence. The wind swept sand pattern was illuminated by normal led flashlight at glancing angle. I used a wide angle lens to capture this photograph.
When the sun goes down

C’est à travers un buisson que j’ai photographié ces plantes, ce qui donne ces halots lumineux.
Boules d’or | Plantes sauvages de pleine nature – de 16 ans

Hover flie trapped in the sticky insectivorous plant Droshopyllum lusitanicum in “Los Alcornocales” Natural Park. This plant is common in poor soils and needs external food supply. Its adaptation is incredible in order to survive in the south of Spain.
Death trap | Plantes sauvages de pleine nature – de 16 ans

Luxuriance d’une forêt pluviale tmeperée captée lors d’une journée plluveuse du mois de mai. Hoh Rainforest, Olympic Peninsula, état de Washington, Etats-Unis
Luxuriance tempérée

I took this photo of a Clematis vitalba in the Duna-Ipoly National Park in Hungary. I found this clematis seed frozen in ice during a winter photo shoot. I found it very interesting because of its special shape. Fortunately, I was able to light it from behind, so this picture was taken.
Locked in ice

From a recent trip to Northern Norway, its forests at the end of September are full of color and boast a great chromatic range in their ferns.
I set out to make an intimate photograph that captured the essence of these birch forests full of ferns. As it usually happens to me I ended up taking this picture in a steep area working to secure the tripod and compose the scene. Slight underexposure to saturate the color in a natural way and cover the areas that do not contribute to the composition.
Birch :Betula Pendula; Eagle fern: Pteridium aquilinum
Nikon D850, Nikon 16+35, 35mm, f/18, 2s, ISO640, 5900ºK
A little piece of autumn

Fritillaire pintade prise en photo au petit matin à Toulouse dans un parc urbain
Panorama fritillaire | Plantes sauvages de pleine nature


In an area completely covered by moss, a monochrome scene is created, where different greens are the only colors present.
Magical spring day in the beech forest in Gorbea.
The green carpet

Après une chute de neige, les nuages ont commencé à se dégager, me permettant de capter cet instant.
Dans les nuages | Paysages du monde – de 16 ans

It was a cold morning of November. A big storm grew in the Valencian gulf and was approaching quite fast towards the beach. The colour and volume of the clouds were incredible and although there wasn’t much lightning I was able to capture one with my camera.
Storm approaching

Eclipse totale de Soleil du 20 mars 2023 à Exmouth, Western Australia.
Rare éclipse hybride ou la Lune a presque le même diametre que le Soleil, permettant de voir les protubérances sur le pourtour du limbe. La forte activité du Soleil en 2023 offrait la vision d’une couronne solaire à 360°, comparable à une fleur solaire.
Fleur solaire | Paysages naturels du monde

In July 2003, a volcano erupted in Iceland. The lava from the volcano continued to flow out, forming a very spectacular long dragon.
Fire stream |

Hêtre dans la tourmente

Logée sous le cercle polaire, l’Island offre en été des couchers de soleil observables au nord, nord-ouest. L’angle parfait pour éclairer les fumées et gaz volcaniques émanant de l’éruption de Litli-Hrútur, dont le survol par drone a permis de créer ce panoramique.
Fire in the air

A canyon on the slopes of Mount Gorbea, within the Natural Park, which houses the passage of some little streams. A hidden and barely traveled area that, under certain conditions and specially during spring season, becomes a true paradise.
The little paradise

Les Vosges et ses mythiques ambiances d’automne … J’adore quand les brumes s’accrochent dans les petits vallons. Avec mon fidèle 400mm, j’ai pu immortaliser cette scène en étant sur un sommet.
Tableau d’automne | Paysages naturels du monde

I have taken this photo in the Duna-Ipoly National Park in Hungary. I really like photographing spiders and I also consider their webs to be a real work of art. I thought a lot about how to photograph the spider’s web in a more special way. At night, I illuminated the water-drop net from behind, and by shifting the sharpness , only the bokeh is visible. The picture was taken with the multiexpo inside the camera.
The ringmaster

This asian vine snake was crossing the road at night. I saved it from the road and quickly took two pictures of it, placing it on my softbox. By using a double exposure this image was created.

Rose du bouquet de fleur que j’ai offert à ma femme pour ses 60 ans. Après séchage, elle a été prise en photo en studio en focus bracketing avec 30 images. Des déformations globales et locales ont permis de façonner le personnage, l’image a été ensuite mise en miroir. Les yeux ont été créés en obscurcissant localement puis éclaircissant le centre, en conservant la texture d’origine.
Alien N°13

Multiexposition réalisée sur le boitier à la prise de vue. Post traitement uniquement avec Lightroom
Photo prise en Touraine France
L’arbre et le Cormoran

Madagascar, Vers Ilakaka, des millions de sauterrelles ont envahies le paysage. Des enfants armés d’une moustiquaire les attrapent pour les manger. Un moment très joyeux.
Une pêche miraculeuse | L’homme et la nature

Les baleines à bosse viennent se reproduire le long de nos côtes entre juin et octobre. nous pouvons les approcher dans l’eau en respectant une charte d’approche. Canon 5D MK4 en caisson Seacam et sans flash
Sortie Baleines | L’homme et la nature

Photo prise en 2018 en plongée sous-marine de nuit à Mapascua (Indonésie) avec un Canon PowerShot G7 X sous caisson étanche avec 2 lampes/phares (pas de flash) : f/2.8, 1/500 sec., 125 ISO, 35mm.

Plastic gloves are true death traps for marine fauna, in this case a Mediterranean goldfish has been trapped inside. But he survived
The glove of death | L’homme et la nature

A lone elephant is spotted here feasting on a very vibrant patch of a vast garbage site. As some of the largest waste dumping sites are placed very much close to the Important Dry Zone forests in Sri Lanka, Elephants regularly visits these sites, looking for an easy meal and finally absorbing microplastics and polythene along with the food, which are life threatning elements. This is only a small portion of a massive landfill which also demonstrates the bad practices and the inconsistencies of waste management techniques in an island that is home to 10% of the world’s Asian elephant population.
A Dangerous Addiction

Femelle ours brun et son jeune ourson qui sort certainement pour la première fois glâner les detritus d’une petite ville dans les carpates. Cette images à été réalisée à l’affût avec la lumière des lampadaires, sans autre sartifices.
Triste héritage | L’Homme et la Nature

L’Islande connaissait ce matin d’hiver sa 6ème éruption volcanique en moins de 3 ans dans la péninsule de Reykjanes. L’exceptionnelle rapidité des coulées de lave ne laissent alors que peu d’espoir aux quelques infrastructures alors touchées. Ce survol en drone illustre de manière assez brutale et dramatique cet acte fort d’une nature qui reprend ses droits.
Reclaim | L’homme et la nature

European bee-eater among flowers. Next to a colony of bee-eaters there was a large mountain meadow. Once the sun warmed the area, dozens of bee-eaters hunted insects of all kinds. Since June was cool this year the flowers were present practically until July. Grazalema, Cádiz. Southern Spain
Spring bee-eater | Séquence images fixes 1/5

European bee-eater among flowers. Next to a colony of bee-eaters there was a large mountain meadow. Once the sun warmed the area, dozens of bee-eaters hunted insects of all kinds. Since June was cool this year the flowers were present practically until July. Grazalema, Cádiz. Southern Spain
Spring bee-eater | Séquence images fixes 2/5

European bee-eater among flowers. Next to a colony of bee-eaters there was a large mountain meadow. Once the sun warmed the area, dozens of bee-eaters hunted insects of all kinds. Since June was cool this year the flowers were present practically until July. Grazalema, Cádiz. Southern Spain
Spring bee-eater | Séquence images fixes 3/5

European bee-eater among flowers. Next to a colony of bee-eaters there was a large mountain meadow. Once the sun warmed the area, dozens of bee-eaters hunted insects of all kinds. Since June was cool this year the flowers were present practically until July. Grazalema, Cádiz. Southern Spain
Spring bee-eater | Séquence images fixes 4/5

There are 50 millions of red crabs living in Christmas Island of Australia. Every November after first rain, the crabs start to march to beach or sea cliff to dip sea water and prepare for mating. Millions of red crabs suddenly appear and moving to one direction is amazing and one of the most incredible wildlife migration in the world. All crabs gather around the forests close to shore and females and males mate. Then in weeks females when ready move to beach or sea cliff again and release all eggs/larvae. After about 3-4 weeks, these larvae return back to beach by ocean waves and then millions of tiny 1mm larvae become little crabs on beach and start to move into forest and hide for 2-3 years, before getting big enough not to be eaten by others or birds. So from November to January, if you travel to Christmas Island, if lucky enough, you will witness this great migration and very interesting crab behavior, such as females releasing eggs together in one early morning before sunrise, adults eating crab babies, larvae returning from sea and transforming into little crabs, etc. I was so lucky that when I was there in December 2022, I encounter the wonder of females spawning (releasing eggs/larvae) together with millions of larvae / crab babies returning from ocean. It is said that not very often to see in about ten year, especially you can take photos easily of a female crab with hundreds of thousands eggs beneath it belly surrounded by thousands of little crab babies.
Red crabs migration | Séquence images fixes 1

Urbanization is rapidly encroaching on many natural environments, severely damaging biodiversity. However, there are some species, that have been able to exploit the humans’ presence. In the past few years, the city of Rome has been colonized by an urban population of wild boars (Sus scrofa) attracted by the waste of the city center.
I had been following a family of boars near my home for several months, observing them feeding on rubbish at night, when one day a controversial graffiti appears on one of the dumpsters of the street.
On the first night I immediately set my camera-trap to wait for the arrival of the boars, but nothing arrived. I tried for several consecutive nights to get a good shot, when finally the entire family of wild boars decided to feed near the graffiti dumpster.
Human muck out | Séquence images fixes

During my trip to South Africa we had to fix a problem with our car. For this we had to take an extra night somewhere in the northern part of South Africa. We found an accomandition on a small farm. When we arrived at the place I found several wild animals living on that farm. Especially one Serval which was caged in just a few square meters, broke my hearth. Because we had one morning at this farm anyway, I decided to spend the morning with
Caged Beauty | Séquence images fixes 1/5

Drone DJI mini 2. Désert des Bardenas. Espagne province de Navarre. A l’aplomb des reliefs façonnés par le ruissellement, le climat semi-désertique et la nature des sols. J’ai attendu que le soleil se voile pour obtenir une uniformité de contrastes. Sans soleil le sol est alors uniforme et un peu pâle.
Erosion Bardenas | Graphisme forme et matière de la nature – de 16 ans

Durant chaque éruption, comme ici celle de Litli-Hrútur en islande, partir à la recherche de formes et motifs dans une rivière de lave en constante évolution est toujours un moment stressant. Trouver le bon cadrage lorsque son drone s’approche de cette lave à 1200°c y contribue grandement.
Go with the flow

an atipical image of the famous Castelluccio di Norcia (Italy), not the usual pattern/stripes of colors. At sunset this spot shows the best color. I walked in search of an original spot instead of the popular one and found this composition, si simple but it captured me

This photograph is taken in Huelva. When high temperatures arrive and with the lack of rain, the level of the rivers drops and we can find different shapes and textures.
Colored mud

This image captured in wilpattu national park. When I saw this serpent eagle on the ground i knew there is a catch. Initially i couldnt see the catch because of bush in front but when he took it up I saw the snake with red color and according to my tracker this snake mostly lives in water and can go both ways. Finally before he take everything inside mouth he took his fase up and I could get this shot closly.

I’ve never seen water-crowfoot like this. So many different greens in one shot, covered with beatifull white flowers. This picture was taken in the region Brenne, France. The stream is called La Creuse. With my tele lens I made sure I only hot greens and flowers.
Green stream | Graphisme forme et matière de la nature